Blog Archive

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Dress Down for Play Day

Tomorrow will be dress down day for play day! Come dressed appropriately for the weather. 

Friday, 17 June 2016

Slam Poem Examples

We are beginning to write slam poems within our classroom. They will be presented during the last week of school!

In order to inspire the ideas and elements behind slam poetry, these videos were shown during class.

Re-watch the videos and check out a few more in order to get ideas for your own poem!


Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Meteors, Comets, Asteroids...

Tomorrow we will discuss the presence of rock and dust within the solar system. If you would like to do some reading on your own, I have attached a link that teaches about the topics we will learn about tomorrow. I also thought you may enjoy the question and answer section, as you may have some of the same questions yourself. Enjoy.

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Bring Electronics Tomorrow!

If you have an iPhone or iPad bring it to school tomorrow, it will be used to complete some activities during science! 

Solar Cooker Interactive- Grade 7

Upcoming Reminders!

1. Grade 6s will be having a quiz tomorrow on transformations ; translations, reflections , rotations and co-ordinates)

2. Grade 7s will be getting immunization shots tomorrow (hepB, hpv) 

3. Grade 6 solar system project is due Thursday, I am excited to see the final products! 

4. Read a thon forms and sponsor sheet is due Thursday , make sure to fill out the reading log sheet.

Wednesday, 1 June 2016